BOL Conferences 2022 Operations Compliance Triage Conference September 20 - 21, 2022
Welcome to Operations Compliance Triage 2022!
Book your seat as soon as you can, as this year's line up of deposit topics is better than ever before. We will be covering all the hot deposit topics this year such as overdrafts, Reg E resolutions, Reg CC, unfair practices and more.
Plus this year, we will feature a pre-conference for those attendees who need some basics before the fast pace of the conference itself.
The Operations Compliance Triage Conference is fast paced, it's fun and it's jam-packed with information to keep your financial institution in compliance and on track.
You will have access to our industry leaders to ask questions and learn from. We expanded the discussion panel as you requested and increased the breaks. This year's conference will be even better than ever before. Get ready to join our conference for the best information on deposit operations.
Join us in September for our Operations Compliance Triage Conference!
All materials (print, electronic, and streamed) are Copyright © 2022, BOL Conferences, Inc. The material and presentations are intended to be used by the registereed attendee, and are not to be reproduced or distributed, in any form, outside the registered individual. Only one login is permitted per registered attendee. Significant multiple registration discounts are available. |
BOL Conferences, Inc.
2541 Flint Ridge Rd,
Edmond, OK 73003
PH: 888-229-8872 ext. 87
FAX: 405-348-7641 Email: carin@bankersonline.com
For sponsorship information, contact Tobi Chunowitz, 888-229-8872 ext. 801